Be the first to know when tickets go on sale for our next public Great Gotham Challenge event by signing up for our mailing list at the bottom of this page.
Congratulations to the following teams who have won one of our Flagship Great Gotham Challenges:
ABCD, Augustus Cloof, Blue Tang Clan, Cookie Time, Dean Baker, Dirty Bayes, Elemental Guessing Machine, Flemish Giants, Grid System, I am fun, Midnight Marauders, Mr. ZIP Fan Club, Octomarx, PEAKing Gus, [Redacted], Sister Wives, Snoofaloofagus and Clyde, Team Avatar, Team Crank, Team Prospect, The Dallas Spiders Club, The Power Brokers, The Real Story is the Antibodies We Got Along the Way.
For advance notice on public events and special early bird discounts, please sign up for our communique below: